In in the Medias, News


What do we know about COVID-19 for people affected by Duchenne or Becker? Due to the increasing concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus for people with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, the World Duchenne Organization had hosted a webinar last Saturday for its members.  All these information are provided by World Duchenne Organization

General information

  • It’s a respiratory virus that can be spread by aerosols: little droplets when you cough or sneeze.
  • Symptoms are coughing, having fever, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
  • The virus can survive for hours on hard surfaces, so you don’t have to see the person who is symptomatic and spreading.
  • The highest risks are the older population above 60 and vulnerable people.
  • This Wednesday, the WHO officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

Stanford University School of Medicine Webinar ‘Coronavirus for non-virologists


  • There is no expertise about Duchenne / Becker muscular dystrophy and the coronavirus as we don’t know any DMD/BMD patient affected by it
  • We have asked DMD experts to give a reaction to the questions of our families
  • Situation and national rules will be different in all countries


How to follow instructions if resources are scarce?

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finder –“The best way to protect your sons is the avoidance of crowds and careful handwashing with soap and water.”

Prof. Dr. Nathalie Goemans –“We cannot stress enough the rules of common sense and hygiene, applicable to the general population and even more important for the helpers and caregivers.”

Elizabeth Vroom –“Next to washing your hands often, it’s necessary to clean surfaces, door handles and touch screens regularly.”


What impacts do steroids have on the immune system?

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finder –“Steroids are a mild immunosuppressant and reduce the activity of lymphocytes, and these are the cells that help fight off viruses.”


Do people DMD/BMD patients have a higher chance of catching the virus?

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finder – “No, and possibly they have a lower risk given that they are less likely to be touching doorknobs and handles and shake hands and the like. Those in schools or just out and about have the same risk from respiratory droplets.”

Prof. Dr. Nathalie Goemans – “We cannot stress enough that containing this epidemic is everyone’s responsibility, we should all temporarily restrict our contacts and stay as much as possible at home, respecting strict measures of hygiene.”


When infected, will it take them longer to fight it off?

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finder –“We have no information about this. Presuming that steroids are being used, it is likely that the illness will be a bit harder to fight since steroids are mildly immunosuppressant. This is NOT to say that one should stop steroids: DO NOT STOP STEROIDS, as this is dangerous and riskier than the possible risks of COVID-19.”

Prof. Dr. Nathalie Goemans –“Yes, it is known that a severe course of COVID-19 can cause permanent damage to the lungs. On a positive note: although steroids are known to reduce immunity, it might well be that steroids could have a protective role in the pathophysiology (cytokine-storm) of severe ARDS in COVID-19 but we don’t know yet.”


Are they at higher-risk or ‘vulnerable people’ most likely to die?

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Finder – “They are at higher risk to be sure as the illness is a viral pneumonia, and having pneumonia is a risk for respiratory failure in this population. But as for “more likely to die” I would say NO as these patients are younger and for the most part do not have underlying lung disease. Those with chronic lung disease are the highest risk group, along with the elderly.

On the other hand, cardiac disease is a risk factor, and there is a great deal of cardiac disease in the DMD population. Thus I do have concerns about the risk of COVID-19 infection for those patients with heart failure.”


More answer here < WDO Webinar: COVID 19 and Duchenne & Becker muscular dystrophy >


defeat-duchenne-family-forum-with-jacques-p-tremblayVirtual Poster Session